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HomeMember Member PortfolioWyn Matthews's Member Portfolio

I walked into a potter's studio in the summer of 1968. My heart and head exploded. I knew I HAD to do this, and I did!

Years later I discovered that this energy that KNEW I had to make pots is the same energy that appears when

the mind is quiet and one is a hollow vessel through which creation flows.

My pots are heavily influenced by the cultures and aesthetics of early high-fired pottery: China, Korea and Japan. I love simple, classic shapes.

I am changed by creating. Changed by being repeatedly dipped in the stream of unfolding. My intent is to create ceramic objects that change their caretakers, as the silence of creation slowly and gently enters their mind and body.

I manage and teach at ClayZen Studios, a community pottery in Ojai, CA.

I also teach at VITA Art Center in Ventura.

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